

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wow Pretty Lady

Hey there Slimmers,
I'm a sad little bunny today, Australia Post hasn't delivered any Plexus to me yet.  I'm so keen to get started and my pink drink isn't here.  Not to worry I've been keeping myself motivated reading other peoples stories and looking at their before and after pictures.  The one I'm sharing with you today is from a lady called Debra McCutcheon:- this is her before and after picture and story.

I was carrying around an extra 30 lbs., pre-diabetic, high blood pressure, cholesterol at 240, and just plain miserable! Skeptical but willing to try anything (!), I started the 3 day Plexus sample. And by the end of the second day, I was a Plexus believer!
And in 10 weeks, I lost 22 lbs., cholesterol dropped 20 points, lowered blood pressure, sleeping better, waking better, with no more dragging thru the day! I could even go more than three hours between eating without crazy sugar spikes!

And this is me, now! Dropped 8 more lbs., 2 more dress sizes, cholesterol now under 200, blood sugars now leveled! Instead of just doing what I had to do to get thru the day, I now feel like a PARTICIPATOR in my life!
Doesn't she look amazing?  As you can see she started her Plexus journey with the 3 Day Sample Pack and noticed the difference in even 3 days.  You can buy the 3 day starter for just $11.95 (US)
It includes (1) 3-Day Trial Pack, (1) 'What If' DVD and Information Sleeve. 
 What are you waiting for - at that price it's super easy to start feeling better and losing kilos and cms.
Go to my Plexus site and start your journey

